A Group Practicing Zen Meditation in Catskill NY

Welcome! We are located at 346 Main Street in Catskill. (the third storefront in the former community center) Our hours are 9:30 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and 6:00 pm Monday evenings. Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome. For beginners, please arrive 15 minutes early for instructions.

We sit in silent meditation (Zazen) on comfortable chairs or floor cushions. Our group averages between 4 to 8 people at each meeting. There are two meditation periods 25 minutes long with a short break in-between. The storefront is spacious with ceiling fans and air filtering.

You can join our email mailing list here.
You can contact us here.

About the Teacher

Musho Rodney Alan Greenblat is the teacher and founder of the Catskill Zen Circle, and has over 17 years of training from the Village Zendo in New York City. He … Read More

Our Schedule

We practice two 25 minute periods of Zen meditation (Zazen) Tuesday morning 9:30 am to 10:30 amThursday morning at 9:30 am to 10:30 amMonday evening 6 pm to 7pm On … Read More

Getting Started

Getting Started is easy. Beginning instruction can be given at any of our regular times, please arrive 15 minutes before our scheduled start times. The very basic way of Zen … Read More